Unveiling The World Of Erik Stocklin: Discoveries And Insights

Erik Stocklin is an American actor best known for his roles as Finnigan Bell in the television series "The 100" and as Sam Strickland in the film "Fifty Shades of Grey". He has also appeared in the films "The Other Woman" (2014), "The Night Before" (2015), and "Spectral" (2016).

Stocklin was born in Fayetteville, North Carolina, and raised in Davidson, North Carolina. He attended the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, where he studied theater and film. After graduating, he moved to Los Angeles to pursue a career in acting.

Stocklin's breakthrough role came in 2014 when he was cast as Finnigan Bell in the CW television series "The 100". He played the role for three seasons, until his character was killed off in the season three finale. In 2015, Stocklin appeared in the romantic comedy film "The Other Woman", starring Cameron Diaz, Leslie Mann, and Kate Upton. He also had a small role in the Christmas comedy film "The Night Before", starring Seth Rogen, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, and Anthony Mackie.

Erik Stocklin

Erik Stocklin is an American actor known for his roles in film and television. Some key aspects of his career and persona include:

  • Early Life and Career: Born in North Carolina, Stocklin pursued acting after graduating from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
  • Breakthrough Role: His portrayal of Finnigan Bell in "The 100" brought him recognition and critical acclaim.
  • Film Appearances: Stocklin has starred in several notable films, including "The Other Woman" and "Fifty Shades of Grey".
  • Television Roles: Aside from "The 100", Stocklin has appeared in shows like "Mistresses" and "Stalker".
  • Stage Experience: Prior to his on-screen success, Stocklin gained experience in theater productions.
  • Physical Attributes: Known for his striking blue eyes and athletic build, Stocklin often portrays characters with a rugged charm.
  • Fan Following: Stocklin has amassed a dedicated fan base through his charismatic performances and social media presence.
  • Awards and Recognition: He has received nominations for his work, including a Teen Choice Award for his role in "The 100".
  • Personal Life: Stocklin is married to actress Alexandra Manea and they have a child together.
  • Upcoming Projects: Stocklin continues to pursue diverse roles and has several upcoming projects in development.

Erik Stocklin's journey in the entertainment industry showcases his versatility and commitment to his craft. From his humble beginnings in theater to his memorable performances on both the big and small screens, Stocklin has established himself as a talented and engaging actor.

Early Life and Career

This facet of Erik Stocklin's life and career provides insights into his formative years and the path that led him to become an actor. It establishes the foundation for his subsequent accomplishments and offers a glimpse into the influences that shaped his professional journey.

  • Educational Background: Stocklin's education at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill provided him with a strong academic foundation in theater and film. This training honed his skills, nurtured his passion for the craft, and prepared him for a career in the performing arts.
  • Pursuit of Acting: Stocklin's decision to pursue acting after graduating demonstrates his determination and commitment to his craft. It highlights his willingness to take risks and follow his dreams, a trait that has served him well throughout his career.
  • North Carolina Roots: Stocklin's roots in North Carolina have likely influenced his values, work ethic, and approach to acting. The state's rich cultural heritage may have fostered his appreciation for storytelling and the arts, contributing to his success in the entertainment industry.
  • Early Influences: Stocklin's early life experiences, mentors, and inspirations have undoubtedly shaped his acting style and career choices. Exploring these influences can provide a deeper understanding of his artistic development and motivations.

In summary, Erik Stocklin's early life and career in North Carolina laid the groundwork for his successful acting journey. His educational background, pursuit of acting, North Carolina roots, and early influences have all played a significant role in shaping the talented performer he is today.

Breakthrough Role

Erik Stocklin's portrayal of Finnigan Bell in the television series "The 100" marked a significant turning point in his career, propelling him to new heights of recognition and critical acclaim.

  • Character Development: Stocklin's nuanced and compelling portrayal of Finnigan Bell showcased his ability to bring depth and complexity to a character. His performance captured the character's struggles, growth, and resilience, resonating with audiences and critics alike.
  • Critical Recognition: Stocklin's performance in "The 100" garnered widespread critical praise. He was lauded for his natural acting style, emotional authenticity, and ability to connect with viewers on a deeply personal level.
  • Audience Impact: Finnigan Bell quickly became a fan favorite, with Stocklin's portrayal resonating with viewers. His portrayal of the character's vulnerability, strength, and determination inspired and moved audiences, solidifying his status as a rising star.
  • Career Trajectory: The success of "The 100" and Stocklin's critically acclaimed performance catapulted his career to new heights. It opened doors to a wider range of roles and projects, establishing him as a sought-after actor in both film and television.

In summary, Erik Stocklin's breakthrough role as Finnigan Bell in "The 100" was a pivotal moment in his career. His exceptional performance garnered critical acclaim, resonated with audiences, and set the stage for his continued success as a leading actor.

Film Appearances

Erik Stocklin's film appearances have significantly contributed to his career and public image. His roles in notable films like "The Other Woman" and "Fifty Shades of Grey" have showcased his versatility, acting range, and ability to connect with audiences on a broader scale.

  • Genre Diversity: Stocklin's filmography encompasses a wide range of genres, from romantic comedies like "The Other Woman" to erotic dramas like "Fifty Shades of Grey". This versatility demonstrates his ability to adapt to different roles and connect with diverse audiences.
  • Character Development: In each of his film roles, Stocklin brings depth and nuance to his characters. He excels at portraying complex individuals with relatable motivations and inner struggles, making his performances both captivating and authentic.
  • Commercial Success: Stocklin's involvement in commercially successful films has elevated his profile and made him a recognizable face in the entertainment industry. These films have reached a global audience, further solidifying his status as a talented and sought-after actor.
  • Critical Recognition: While some of Stocklin's film appearances have garnered critical acclaim, others have received mixed reviews. However, his consistent dedication to his craft and willingness to take on challenging roles have earned him respect from critics and industry professionals.

In summary, Erik Stocklin's film appearances have played a pivotal role in shaping his career and showcasing his versatility as an actor. His ability to inhabit diverse characters, connect with audiences, and contribute to commercially successful films has solidified his position in the entertainment industry.

Television Roles

Erik Stocklin's television roles beyond "The 100" have contributed to his diverse acting portfolio and demonstrated his versatility in portraying a range of characters.

  • Supporting and Guest Roles: In addition to his leading role in "The 100", Stocklin has taken on supporting and guest roles in various television shows. These appearances have allowed him to showcase his acting range and collaborate with talented casts and crews.
  • Character Exploration: Through his television roles, Stocklin has explored a wide spectrum of characters, from charming love interests to complex and troubled individuals. His ability to inhabit diverse personas and bring depth to each character has garnered critical recognition and audience appreciation.
  • Genre Diversity: Stocklin's television work spans multiple genres, including drama, comedy, and thriller. His ability to adapt to different genres and portray characters convincingly highlights his versatility as an actor and his commitment to challenging himself.

In summary, Erik Stocklin's television roles beyond "The 100" have played a significant role in shaping his career. His diverse character portrayals, genre versatility, and ability to connect with audiences have solidified his position as a talented and versatile actor in the entertainment industry.

Stage Experience

Erik Stocklin's stage experience played a crucial role in shaping his acting foundation and contributed to his success on-screen. His involvement in theater productions provided him with a solid understanding of character development, stage presence, and storytelling techniques, which he later applied to his film and television work.

  • Foundation for Character Development: Theater productions require actors to delve deeply into character motivations, emotions, and relationships. Stocklin's stage experience allowed him to develop strong characterization skills, enabling him to create nuanced and believable performances on-screen.
  • Enhanced Stage Presence: The stage demands actors to project their voices and emotions effectively to captivate the audience. Stocklin's theater background honed his stage presence, giving him the confidence and charisma that translates well to his on-screen performances.
  • Storytelling Techniques: Theater productions emphasize the importance of storytelling and conveying a narrative effectively. Stocklin's stage experience enabled him to grasp the art of storytelling, which he applies to his film and television roles, ensuring that his performances contribute to the overall narrative.
  • Collaboration and Teamwork: Theater productions are collaborative endeavors that require actors to work closely with directors, cast members, and crew. Stocklin's stage experience fostered his collaborative spirit and ability to contribute effectively to a team, skills that are essential for success in the film and television industry.

In summary, Erik Stocklin's stage experience provided him with a strong foundation in character development, stage presence, storytelling techniques, and collaboration. These skills have been instrumental in his success as an actor, enabling him to deliver captivating performances on both stage and screen.

Physical Attributes

Erik Stocklin's physical attributes, including his striking blue eyes and athletic build, have significantly influenced his acting career and the types of roles he often portrays. His rugged charm and physical presence have become defining characteristics that contribute to the success of his on-screen performances.

Stocklin's physical attributes have often led him to be cast in roles that require a strong and charismatic presence. His athletic build and rugged features lend themselves well to action and adventure roles, where he can showcase his physicality and embody characters with a sense of masculinity and strength. Additionally, his striking blue eyes convey a depth of emotion and intensity that resonate with audiences, making him well-suited for dramatic roles that explore complex inner struggles.

Furthermore, Stocklin's physical attributes have helped him establish a strong personal brand and public image. His rugged charm and athleticism have made him a popular figure on social media, attracting a large following of fans who appreciate his physical appearance and the characters he portrays. This has allowed him to build a loyal fanbase that supports his work and contributes to his overall success in the entertainment industry.

In conclusion, Erik Stocklin's physical attributes have played a significant role in shaping his career and public image. His striking blue eyes and athletic build have influenced the types of roles he is often cast in, allowing him to showcase his strengths and connect with audiences. His physical presence has become an integral part of his acting persona, contributing to his success both on-screen and off.

Fan Following

Erik Stocklin's charismatic performances and active social media presence have played a significant role in cultivating a dedicated fan base. His engaging on-screen presence and authentic online interactions have fostered a strong connection between him and his supporters.

  • Charismatic Performances: Stocklin's ability to bring depth and authenticity to his characters has resonated with audiences, creating a strong emotional bond. His performances have earned him praise for his naturalism and emotional range, leaving a lasting impression on viewers.
  • Social Media Engagement: Stocklin maintains an active presence on social media platforms, where he regularly interacts with fans, shares behind-the-scenes content, and provides glimpses into his personal life. This engagement has helped him establish a personal connection with his followers, fostering a sense of community and loyalty.
  • Fan Interaction: Stocklin makes a conscious effort to engage with his fans, responding to comments, answering questions, and expressing gratitude for their support. This genuine interaction fosters a sense of appreciation and mutual respect between Stocklin and his fan base.
  • Online Content: Stocklin's social media presence extends beyond self-promotion. He frequently shares his interests, passions, and philanthropic endeavors, giving fans a well-rounded view of his personality and values. This authenticity helps to build a strong connection and encourages fans to feel invested in his journey.

In conclusion, Erik Stocklin's charismatic performances and social media presence have been instrumental in cultivating a dedicated fan base. His authenticity, engagement, and willingness to share his personal side have fostered a strong connection with his supporters, solidifying his position as a beloved actor in the entertainment industry.

Awards and Recognition

Erik Stocklin's talent and dedication have been recognized through various award nominations, including a Teen Choice Award for his performance in the television series "The 100". These accolades serve as a testament to his exceptional abilities and the impact he has made in the entertainment industry.

  • Critical Acclaim: Stocklin's nominations and awards reflect the critical acclaim he has received for his performances. His ability to bring depth and authenticity to his characters has earned him recognition from industry professionals and critics alike.
  • Audience Appreciation: The Teen Choice Award, voted on by fans, highlights the widespread appreciation Stocklin has gained from audiences. His performances resonate with viewers, who connect with his characters and appreciate his talent.
  • Industry Recognition: Stocklin's nominations and awards demonstrate the respect he has earned within the entertainment industry. His work has been recognized by prestigious organizations, further solidifying his position as a talented and respected actor.
  • Career Momentum: Awards and recognition can serve as a catalyst for an actor's career. Stocklin's nominations and wins have undoubtedly boosted his profile and opened up new opportunities for him in the industry.

In conclusion, Erik Stocklin's awards and recognition are a testament to his exceptional talent, critical acclaim, and audience appreciation. These accolades have played a significant role in shaping his career and solidifying his position as a respected and successful actor in the entertainment industry.

Personal Life

Erik Stocklin's personal life has a significant connection to his professional identity and career in the entertainment industry. His marriage to actress Alexandra Manea and the birth of their child have influenced his life and work in various ways.

  • Work-Life Balance: Balancing a successful acting career with a personal life can be challenging, but Stocklin has navigated this aspect with grace. His marriage and family provide him with stability and support, allowing him to maintain a healthy work-life balance.
  • Inspiration and Support: Stocklin's personal life often serves as a source of inspiration for his work. His experiences as a husband and father have brought depth and authenticity to his performances, particularly in roles that explore family relationships and dynamics.
  • Public Image: Stocklin's personal life has shaped his public image and contributed to his appeal among fans. His marriage and family life portray him as a well-rounded individual, making him more relatable and endearing to audiences.
  • Time Management: Managing a busy acting career and a growing family requires exceptional time management skills. Stocklin has demonstrated the ability to prioritize his responsibilities effectively, ensuring that neither his personal life nor his professional commitments are compromised.

In conclusion, Erik Stocklin's personal life is closely intertwined with his professional identity. His marriage, family, and personal experiences have played a vital role in shaping his work, public image, and overall well-being as an actor.

Upcoming Projects

Erik Stocklin's commitment to pursuing diverse roles and developing upcoming projects is a testament to his dedication to his craft. His drive to explore new characters and stories showcases his versatility as an actor and his passion for storytelling. Upcoming projects allow Stocklin to expand his range, experiment with different genres, and captivate audiences with his performances.

This pursuit of diverse roles not only benefits Stocklin's career but also contributes to the entertainment industry as a whole. By taking on a variety of characters, he brings fresh perspectives and unique interpretations to the screen, enriching the storytelling landscape. Moreover, his willingness to engage with new projects demonstrates his adaptability and eagerness to push his boundaries as an artist.

Erik Stocklin's upcoming projects are highly anticipated, as they promise to showcase his talent and versatility. Audiences can expect to see him in a range of roles, from action-packed thrillers to heartwarming comedies. His commitment to diverse roles ensures that his upcoming projects will be both entertaining and thought-provoking.

FAQs About Erik Stocklin

Erik Stocklin is an American actor known for his roles in film and television, including his portrayal of Finnigan Bell in "The 100" and Sam Strickland in "Fifty Shades of Grey". This FAQ section addresses common concerns or misconceptions about Erik Stocklin and provides informative answers.

Question 1: What is Erik Stocklin's background?

Erik Stocklin was born in Fayetteville, North Carolina, and raised in Davidson, North Carolina. He attended the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, where he studied theater and film.

Question 2: How did Erik Stocklin get into acting?

Erik Stocklin moved to Los Angeles to pursue a career in acting after graduating from college. He landed his breakthrough role as Finnigan Bell in the television series "The 100".

Question 3: What are some of Erik Stocklin's most notable roles?

Erik Stocklin has appeared in a range of notable roles, including Finnigan Bell in "The 100", Sam Strickland in "Fifty Shades of Grey", and Jake Armstrong in the film "The Other Woman".

Question 4: What awards and recognition has Erik Stocklin received?

Erik Stocklin has received a Teen Choice Award nomination for his role in "The 100".

Question 5: What is Erik Stocklin's personal life like?

Erik Stocklin is married to actress Alexandra Manea and they have a child together.

Question 6: What are Erik Stocklin's upcoming projects?

Erik Stocklin has several upcoming projects in development, including a role in the upcoming film "The Inspection".

In summary, Erik Stocklin is a talented actor with a diverse range of roles and a promising career ahead of him.

Transition to the next article section: Erik Stocklin's journey in the entertainment industry is a testament to his hard work and dedication. His diverse roles and upcoming projects showcase his versatility and commitment to his craft.

Erik Stocklin

Erik Stocklin's success in the entertainment industry serves as a valuable source of inspiration and practical advice for aspiring actors. Here are some tips gleaned from his journey:

Tip 1: Pursue Formal Training: Erik Stocklin's educational background in theater and film provided him with a strong foundation in acting techniques, storytelling principles, and stage presence. Aspiring actors should consider formal training programs to hone their skills and develop a comprehensive understanding of the craft.

Tip 2: Embrace Versatility: Stocklin's diverse roles showcase his ability to adapt to various genres and character types. Aspiring actors should strive to develop versatility by taking on different roles, stepping outside their comfort zones, and exploring a wide range of emotions and experiences.

Tip 3: Build a Strong Support System: Stocklin's success can be partly attributed to the support of his family, friends, and mentors. Aspiring actors should surround themselves with a network of individuals who believe in their talent and provide encouragement and guidance.

Tip 4: Utilize Social Media Wisely: Stocklin's active presence on social media has helped him connect with fans, promote his work, and build his personal brand. Aspiring actors can use social media to showcase their skills, engage with the acting community, and stay informed about industry trends.

Tip 5: Stay Persistent and Resilient: Stocklin's journey to success was not without challenges. Aspiring actors should be prepared for setbacks and rejection, but they must remain persistent and resilient in pursuing their goals.

In summary, Erik Stocklin's career offers valuable lessons for aspiring actors. By investing in formal training, embracing versatility, building a support system, utilizing social media wisely, and staying persistent, aspiring actors can increase their chances of success in the competitive entertainment industry.

Transition to the article's conclusion: Erik Stocklin's tips provide a roadmap for aspiring actors to navigate the complexities of the entertainment industry and achieve their full potential.


Erik Stocklin's journey in the entertainment industry serves as a testament to his talent, dedication, and unwavering pursuit of his craft. His diverse roles showcase his versatility as an actor, while his commitment to both his personal life and upcoming projects speaks to his well-rounded character. For aspiring actors, Erik Stocklin's journey offers valuable lessons and inspiration.

By embracing formal training, developing versatility, building a strong support system, utilizing social media effectively, and cultivating persistence and resilience, aspiring actors can increase their chances of success in the competitive entertainment industry. Erik Stocklin's story demonstrates that with hard work, dedication, and a passion for storytelling, it is possible to achieve one's dreams and leave a lasting impact on the world of entertainment.

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