Here's How Much Fantasia Barrino Is Really Worth

After coming to terms with some hard truths, Fantasia Barrino resolved to fight her way out of the financial wreckage. 

"I couldn't go to anybody else in my home and ask them for anything because I had been doing everything," Barrino recalled in her Oprah interview. "When I won [American Idol], I just wanted to see all of my family happy. And I created that monster." 

After cutting off financial access to family and friends that had using her new-found wealth — all of which was captured on film for the singer's VH1 reality show Fantasia for Real – Barrino began to rebuild her career (and her bankroll). She found emotional support in those closest to her, including industry polymath Tyler Perry. "He would call and check up on me," she told radio host Tammi Mac. "He was one of the ones, when I lost everything, he came and blessed me. And I thank him for that."

According to Celebrity Net Worth, Barrino is now worth an estimated $3 million, but in her 2019 interview with Mac, she cautioned that appearances can be deceiving. "I'm just now building myself back up," she said. "I lost everything twice. So, I cook my own food. I don't need no chef. I'm from North Carolina; my grandma and my mama taught me how to cook." She said she drivers her own car, does her own shopping. "I'm just like you," she said.
